Wednesday, May 17, 2006 - Prison Fellowship - Prison Fellowship

Violent Crime Slows, But Prisons Still Grow
The U.S. prison population continues to grow even though reports of violent crime is at the lowest level since the government began compiling statistics 32 years ago.

Now Is the Time to Press Congress to Pass Reentry Bill
As Congress begins the new year, there is very positive “buzz” that the Second Chance Act will likely pass both houses of Congress this year.

Mandatory Minimums: Unjust and Unbiblical
Weldon Angelos, a 28 year old music executive and father of two young children was convicted of selling small amounts of marijuana three times for a few hundred dollars each time.

Inmate Health
With over 630,000 inmates expected to be released from prison this year, there is increasing concern about the state of their health when they are released.

Prison Rape
The sexual abuse of male and female prisoners in U.S. facilities occurs at alarming rates. According to one study, roughly one in five men in prison has been sexually abused, typically by other inmates.

Prisoner Reentry
Six hundred thousand inmates in the United States will complete the serving of their sentences and be released into society this year.

Issues in Criminal Justice Reform


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