Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Glenmary Home Missioners - Serving Rural America Since 1939

Glenmary Home Missioners - Serving Rural America Since 1939: "Ministering Behind Bars
Rural Prisons Are the Fastest-Growing Home Mission Territory
By Father John S. Rausch
A Growing Home Mission Concern
The Glenmary Commission on Justice has chosen prisons and the criminal justice system as one of its three current issues for study and action. The other two are racism and the poultry industry, following up on last year’s pastoral letter from the Catholic bishops of the South.
“The growing number of prisons in the rural South, and the growing number of prisoners being imported from around the nation to fill them, make this a pressing issue for many Glenmary missions,” says Father Bob Dalton, co-convener, along wth Brother Larry Johnson of the Glenmary Justice Commission
Like kudzu, prisons are taking root all over Appalachia and the South. In Glenmary’s Clintwood, Va., mission, a supermax prison was recently built on an isolated ridge between Wise and Dickenson counties. Across the state line, West Liberty, Ky., hosts a medium security facility for 1,800 to 2,000 inmates. In Georgia, Mississippi, Arkansas and around other Glenmary missions, prisons are in place, or being built, to satisfy the demands from, what many experts call, “the prison-industrial complex.”

The burgeoning prison population in Glenmary missions has added a compelling minist"


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